This month, some of the super-creative people behind the Chicago Podcast Coop (plus other friends) share hilarious, awesome, and occasionally shocking stories from their lives!
Our second episode featuring Cards Against Humanity - and recorded in their fancy new theater! - includes more stories and songs inspired by some of our favorite white and black cards for horrible people.
There's no place like (a new) home. Check out our first episode recorded at our new spot, the Cards Against Humanity theater, featuring guests from CAH and other awesome people!
Last month we went to LA for a couple shows, like this Your Stories. Be warned, this episode is highly entertaining and full of really fantastic guests.
You want more fanfiction? You've got it! Here's the second part of our third annual celebration of people writing about things they didn't create, mostly!
Your Stories is back for our third annual celebration of fanfiction!Things may not be as overtly sexual as last year's episodes, but THEN AGAIN, THEY MAY BE.