Episode 47 - MBSing with Wolfgang Stein - Storytelling

From the podcast

Pop a squat on a campfire log, listeners. Wolf has been telling me stories since shortly after I moved to Chicago, and I couldn't have been happier to have him weaving tales with me on MBSing. Wolf's love of storytelling was born at summer camp, and he continues to entertain audiences with a passion ignited there by Mountain Mike, a tall tale telling counselor. Wolf is incredibly warm and kind, and I imagine the people he got this love from are, too. He shares his love all over the city in many different ways and even feels unsure if he's fit to tell a story he's chosen for a show opening soon along with The Annoyance Theatre. (An uncertainty he shared in a story at a recent event! Storytelling about storytelling!) Eat your heart out, This American Life.


This American Life: Death and Taxes

Here's the Story

Stein Time 

Story Lab