Episode 43 - MBSing with Adam Levin - Failure

From the podcast

Adam Levin is a Chicago improviser not afraid to air out his failures, and it made for a really compelling, funny episode to record. He tells so many stories of improv, romantic, and work-related failures that, if nothing else, this will be a fun ep to commiserate with (or make you feel better about your own, less awkward failings?). Adam is determined and kind throughout all of these anecdotes, and he never tries to point fingers and blame others for his stumbling blocks. His honesty is refreshing, and his thoughts on his own situations are so new and present he still doesn't know how to fully process some or how they'll all have an effect on him in the end. He defines the worst question he has publicly asked in an obviously strained romantic situation ("Is this awkward right now?"), after which he heightened his own hilariously tragic circumstance (by doing a cartwheel). That gem is the tip of the iceberg, so enjoy these tales (and the delightful shout outs to things Adam loved in past MBSing episodes).


Michael and Michael Have Issues take on one man shows.

The Your Stories I reference wherein I talk about some of my own failings in the love department.

How Was Your Week. Julie Klausner is genuinely an inspiration for me. Check this out if you love MBSing.