Episode 69 - MBSing with Marie Maloney - The Kennedys

From the podcast

Marie Maloney can tell you more about Jackie O than most people can tell you about themselves. This chat was a total blast [from the past] and a uniquely historical MBSing. Listen to me struggle to keep up as my historical knowledge specifically politically is feeble at best. But I did manage to recommend some great Kennedy-related pop culture recommendations. Marie has been fascinated by the Kennedys since the first or second grade when she read some god-forsaken children's book about presidential assassinations. Who writes that?? Also, she went totally method as Jackie for a class presentation the next year and has been hooked on the fam ever since. We talk about the family's drive and overall appeal, Jackie's wit and poise, Jack's philandering and progress, and Marie's Jackie-inspired fashion sense among a plethora of other tangents. Enjoy!


Looks like most if not all of Clone High is on YouTube!!!